
Thank you for choosing Nationwide® ProAccount®

Managing your retirement account with an eye on the future.

Nationwide ProAccount continues to work for you:

Your goals

Your investments are selected for you based on your age and personal tolerance for risk, and we consider your goals.

Your retirement readiness

If you are a participant in a managed account, you might have a higher percentage of being prepared for retirement than a do-it-yourself investor.

Our monitoring

Your retirement investments are managed through a rigorous, disciplined process — guided by professionals who’ve weathered many market storms over many decades.

Participant investment preferences


want a managed account


want to conduct their own research to learn more on their own


want to talk to a friend, family member or colleague whose guidance they trust

Source: "U.S. Retirement End-Investor 2023," Cerulli Associates (2023).

Update your risk profile information

Log in to your retirement account today and update your information using My Income & Retirement PlannerSM. We’ll use the information you provide to determine which portfolio suits you best.

Latest news

Market commentary

Keep emotions in check and learn strategies on how to avoid the pitfalls of emotional investing.

Attend a webinar

Register for one of these webinars to enhance your financial literacy.

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You can catch up right now:
2024 ProAccount Fall Mailer

How does Nationwide ProAccount help you achieve your goals?

Continuous monitoring by an experienced investment manager that makes informed decisions for your account.

The fund manager adjusts your investment strategy to align with your desired retirement date, risk tolerance and current financial situation.

Ongoing account support through periodic updates, quarterly statements and phone support to keep you tracking toward the results you expect.
