Additional recommendations
Here are a few additional tips you can use once you've secured your Wi-Fi using the steps above.
Turn off remote and wireless access to the router’s settings
This restricts access to the router’s settings to devices that are physically connected to the router by a network cable. This helps prevent someone on the Internet or within range of your Wi-Fi from logging into and tampering with your router’s settings. Update the settings to require HTTPS (and disable HTTP) to access the router’s settings. If you don’t have a computer connected to your router, you must use a wireless device to configure it.
Enable a guest network
Some routers can create a separate guest network with its own password and network name. This allows you to provide guests with Wi-Fi access without sharing your password or giving them access to the rest of your personal network.
Update your firmware
The term ‘firmware’ refers to the software that drives hardware. It’s a good practice to check your router manufacturer’s site periodically to see if updates are available. If you do find firmware updates, be sure to install them. Firmware updates sometimes close newly discovered security holes in your router
Search online for more help
Search online. You can find helpful tips and videos by searching online for your specific router (check the bottom of the device for the model number) or by reaching out to the router’s manufacturer or your internet service provider.