Step-by-step video series

Watch these tips and tutorials for effective retirement planning using My Income & Retirement Planner

My Income & Retirement Planner Overview

How to determine how much I should contribute

How to explore when I can retire

Frequently asked questions

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My Income & Retirement Planner is a personalized, guided experience that can help you make financial and retirement planning decisions. Your experience with the Planner can be as simple or robust as you choose. Click the blue button to get the Planner.

Screenshot of the account summary screen. It shows your total account balance and your chance of success score.

All of the data that you entered into our previous tool, such as your retirement spending goal, desired retirement age and spouse data will be pulled into the new Planner and Retirement Readiness Report so you won’t need to reenter any information. As a good practice, you should review all of your data to ensure that your information is up to date.

One minor exception is if you had any external accounts linked in the previous tool. The last known account balances are pulled into the new Planner, but you’ll need to re-establish all of the links to other financial accounts from the new planner.

As first time users of the new My Income & Retirement Planner, you’ll need to confirm some details, such as your martial status, retirement age, and savings so that the most up-to-date information is included in the calculation.

Screenshot of the confirm your details page

Imagine you’re planning a road trip and you want to map out your route to your destination. You could just take the shortest route on the map, but the reality is that it would be more accurate to consider different factors, such as traffic, road construction or potential points of interest. As you run through different scenarios in your head you’ll consider how each one affects your travel time.

A Monte Carlo simulation is like that, but for financial planning. Your chance of success score is calculated using Monte Carlo simulation, running 1,000 hypothetical market return scenarios to help determine a realistic range for your projected savings outcomes.

Your Chance of Success Score shows how likely it is that your savings will last throughout your retirement and tracks your likelihood of achieving your retirement goals.

Screenshot of the Overview page that includes the participant's change of success score and the lifetime income chart

Based on the information you provided in the Planner, the Lifetime Income Projection graph shows you a projection of how much income you may have for each year in retirement. It shows the income sources (where the income could come from) and any retirement income shortfall or surplus. It also allows the user to "explore this projection" to see how small changes could impact your retirement readiness such as increasing your contributions, working longer, spending less or saving more.

Screenshot of the retirement outlook page that includes a lifetime income chart

  • Notice if the columns are taller than the expense line. This may mean that you have more income than expenses
  • Illustrates how your retirement plan account, Social Security benefit and any other income sources, including a pension will work together
  • Highlights the years there is a projected shortfall or surplus in income
  • Allows you to see a detailed view year by year
  • Takes expenses and taxes into consideration

The Planner allows you to explore interactive "what if" scenarios and see the impact on your savings over time. It also allows you to compare scenarios side by side.

Screenshot of the what-if scenarios screen. It shows a savings projection chart.

Screenshot of the comparison result screen

The Financial Blueprint is the central location where you’ll enter all of the details the Planner then uses to develop a more comprehensive plan. You can modify your Blueprint at any time.

You are also able to connect to other financial institutions to automatically update the balances or by manually entering the balances.

Screenshot of the blueprint summary screen

Digital Coach suggestions help guide you to make your projections more accurate by providing you with a "priority to do list" such as:

  • What do you plan to learn by creating a plan?
  • Review your plans with spouse/partner
  • Verify your Social Security benefit amount
Image of digital coach suggestions screen

The green bar on the two-bar chart is capturing a projection of how much income/money you can expect to receive, on average, every month throughout retirement. This is based on accumulating retirement funds, contributions, pension benefits and Social Security benefits.

The orange bar on the two-bar chart is capturing a projection of the expenses you might need on average, every month throughout retirement, according to the information provided in the Planner.

Image of account summary screen including the two-bar chart

Yes. The planner is accessible from your My Retirement by NationwideSM app. Learn more about the mobile app if you haven’t downloaded it yet.

Log in to get started with My Income & Retirement Planner.