The Savings Plus Watch List is based on recommendations from and discussions with our consultants who help Savings Plus staff monitor our investment managers. When warranted, an investment manager is placed on the Watch List and may be removed from our investment lineup.
Savings Plus Watch List
Ceredex Large Cap Value (Savings Plus Large Cap Fund) was placed on the Watch List in February 2023, Criteria #1.
MFS Large Cap Growth Growth (Savings Plus Large Cap Fund) was placed on the Watch List in February 2023, Criteria #1.
Savings Plus Watch List Criteria
Quantitative Standards
Did not meet the established performance standards (benchmark/peer universe) over preceding 3/5-year period
Qualitative Standards
Compliance with stated investment guidelines, contract terms, and/or State or federal laws and rules
Adherence to stated investment style and philosophy
Ownership stability and alignment of interests with investors
Retention and attraction of key investment professionals associated with the management of the investment fund
Litigation and assessment of impact on future investment performance
Disclosure of relevant information that may have an adverse impact on performance
An investment fund that fails to satisfy any of the above (or combination of the above) may be removed from the Savings Plus investment lineup or placed on the Watch List.