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See investment options for the Plan and download their fact sheets.
Get investment performance and expense data.
3 ways to build your investment portfolio
Help me do it
Select an investment option that aligns with your investing personality (conservative, moderate, aggressive) or the year closest to when you hope to retire. Consider asset allocation funds or target date funds.
Do it myself
Find your investment style and suggested asset mix based on your target retirement date, personal goals and tolerance for risk. Log in to use the tool.
Do it for me
Log in to see whether your plan offers Nationwide ProAccount®, a service that manages your investments for you. It’s based on personalized information you provide, giving you a customized investment mix.
Learn some key investing concepts
More information about the investment line-up
Excessive trading (also known as market timing) is the practice of buying and selling investments frequently in an attempt to capitalize on short-term movements or pricing disparities in the market. This practice increases fund expenses, which results in higher fees and adversely affects fund performance for all participants invested in the fund.
Designed to protect our participants from the potential negative impacts of market timing, our current excessive trading policy imposes a 2.0 percent redemption fee on the sales of assets in the Target Date Funds, the International Fund, and the International Index Fund if the sale occurs within 30 calendar days of purchase. Learn more about Savings Plus' Transfer Restrictions and Redemption Fees.
Proceeds from such fees flow back into the unit value of the affected funds to compensate for the increased costs resulting from the frequent trading activity.
The redemption fee does not apply to trades associated with Nationwide ProAccount®.